Love & Truth in Motion
For Connection, Community, and Healing
Love & Truth in Motion
For Connection, Community, and Healing
For Connection, Community, and Healing
For Connection, Community, and Healing
I am the daughter of immigrant parents, Mapuche/Chilean-Mestizo ancestry. I was born and raised in the Bay Area and currently reside on Huichin Territory (Oakland, CA). I have been leading public earth altar making (mandalas) for the past 20+ years (since 1998). This art form is a ritual to me, including the gathering of natural elements. I do it for the connection, community and for the healing it brings.
The photos below represent some of the work from the past 20+ years (began in 1998) and hopefully convey my dear love and passion for shared sacred spaces. I feel these co-created altars are an act of love and has always been a teacher to me. All who participate are guided to present time where mystery, joy, and healing come to the forefront. It is there where true beauty, synchronicity and a high devine order dances. I never know all who will show up or what other elements come to be part of the creation. All that is known is that the act of creating with intention and presence is healing medicine and the precious gift we receive and give come when we least expect it. This is sacred action we can all practice, just like conscious breathing.
Incorporating living plants to the altars for a more permanent creation was the natural progression from the temporary mandala altars that began this sacred work. A wonderful sacred garden for a community to gather, be silent in, or harvest perennial herbs for tea or cooking.
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